Weak attempt, keep looking. (1) Gameplay goes wrong direction (2) you never know how many cards opponents have (3) cards fly by so fast you cant tell whats been played by who or how many cards played (4) winner can play anything to start - this is wrong, 3 of spades always leads (5) three straight pairs can beat any single two - but not always allowed (6) algorithm flawed, wont let you play winning hand/turn sometimes at random - different problem from #5 (7) do you really need a seventh reason? Fine, there are no rules indicating what card combos can beat a pair of twos. You have to guess and so far none of it makes sense.
I imagine the good reviews are by people whove just played this best-card-game-of-all-time for the first time. If you know how to play this game, you will be disappointed. VC forever!
Two-Killer about Tien Len Southern Poker